【一诺解析】2015年11月28、29日托福综合口语预测机经(二) 考试必考

时间:2015-11-26 12:06:12  / 编辑:fairy


  人会对重复做某件事感觉厌烦,两种方法可以解释这种问题:(1)换一换做事的方式,比如说hiking换条路;(2)停止做XXX一段时间,比如说从每天吃ICE CREAM变成隔几个星期再吃


  【讲课要点】:商家business 克服销售的barrier,促销的两种方法: 方法1:用广告促销:很多顾客不买他们的商品是因为很多顾客都不知道他们的产品很好lack of knowledge。 举例:一个卖有助于小孩记数字玩具toy 的company,做了一个research,可以做广告告诉顾客公司的这个商品有多好。 方法2:卖贵的东西,lack of money,提供分期付款。举例:computer company让付不起钱的客人逐月付款。




  儿童创造性思维的发展Topic: Children ’s development of creative thinking Example 1: a 1-year-old put a ball over his head as a hat Example 2: a 3-year-old on a blanket, he pretends he’s driving, he would make the sound of the car and put his hands up as if he were driving


  【讲课要点】Two ways to avoid soil erosion

  方法1:同一片土地种植两种不同期成熟的作物,例如麦子和稻子,因为收获期不同,所以 在收获期 另一种植物的根可以抓住土壤,防止流失



  动物离不离开In the lecture, the professor talks about two situations that animals don’t drive others away from their own territories.The first situation is that there is plenty of food in the territory. For example, sun birds don’t drive other hunters away in places where has a lot of flowers.

  The second situation is there’s limited resource, so animals won’t waste energy to fight for it. They would look for other places where have better resources.


  两种方式解决低效率问题The professor talks about two ways to solve low efficiency problem and keep interest in work.


  用道德制止环境污染的两种方法The lecture talks about moral suasion to stop pollution.

  The first one is smoke bear. For example, a person may dress like a bear and say “don’t hurt my animal friends.” It’ll make people more sensitive to the problem.

  The second one is recycling. Such as throwing trash in the trash can and recycling newspapers. Neighbors will do the same thing.



  第一个是 很容易暴露在捕食者眼中,一个个体不容易被发现,但是一群就很容易被发现。例子是一种鱼总是群居,然后鲸鱼是他们的捕食者,因此很容易抓到他们。

  第二个是母亲很容易认错孩子。例子 一个cave里面有上千个幼年个体,然后孩子他妈捕食回来认不出来哪个是她们孩子。


  电影制作者可以选择相机的两个角度构建人物形象。Film makers can choose two angles of camera to build characters images. 1: low angle, just like children look up to adults. It makes a character look really huge and powerful. For example, using low angles to make Queen Victoria look more prestigious. 2: high angle, put the character in a big environment, and make character look small and weak. For example, shooting a man lost in a vast desert from high angle makes the character look hopeless and weak.


  制定课堂规则策略Two strategies of making classroom rules Strategy 1: Explaining purpose, for example, when the professor taught elementary school students, he used to ask students not to eat in class and he explained the consequences of eating in classes. Strategy 2: Making commitment, for example, the professor would ask students to sign their names on a poster to promise that they wouldn't eat in class.


  两种影响大多数发生在个体的行为受群体思维的改变。Two types of majority influence happen when an individual’s behavior is affected and altered by group thoughts. Type 1: Information influence where people want to get right answers immediately. For example, you are driving a bunch of friend to a restaurant and you are not sure which way to go. The rest of the people in the car think that you should go straight while you want to make a left or right turn. Because the majority wants you to go straight, you will change your original idea. Type 2: normative influence where people want to be accepted by the group or try to fit in. For instance, you are going to a movie with some people that you want to be friends with. After the movie, although you think the movie is awful, the rest of the people think the movie is great, you will also agree with them. Because you want to fit in, to get along


  提高家畜的2大优势2 advantages of raising domesticated animals

  Advantage 1: Provide constant meat for people, like goats, they are very easy to control and they can be a meat resource too

  Advantage 2: Offer other food besides meat, goats can provide milk as well, and then people can make things like yogurt and cheese with milk.


  2广告对环境的负面影响2 negative influences of advertisement on environment


  Influence 1: waste nature resources, e.g. some booklets have no use for people who don’t need them

  Influence 2: damage nature beauty, e.g. some bill boards along the road interrupt nature beauty


  两功能帮助动物生活在高山的特征Two features that help animals live on high mountains Feature 1: Muscles Example 1: Goats have well-developed muscles to help them look for food Feature 2: Feet Example 2: An animal have very special toes, each of them can move separately, this feature helps them have a stronger grasp over the ground



  Utility form and utility of place

  方法1:: Utility form: the product should have the features that the customers need

coat should be warm and waterproof

  方法2:the product should be sold at the place where customers need it.

  例子2:winter coats in Alaska are needed as winter there is cold; but on a tropic island, winter is
not that cold, so the sales won't be that good either.


  【讲座主题】身体免疫的2个保护stages 【2种方式】(1)Antibiotic stage(第一个词不确定):是防御的第一线,防止外物进入。例子是skin,可以prevent germs get into body.比如被蚊子咬了之类的;(2)Mechanical removal:异物的排出,防止在体内生长,把带有disease的germs get out of body,例子是sneeze。


  生物的vonen(貌似是这么写的)的两种用途。一种是用来捕食 举了一个蛇的例子他们藏在某个地方 假装是石头然后又动物路过就抓住他们。另一个是用来防御捕食者,聚了蜜蜂的例子说如果有鸟想吃蜜蜂蜜蜂就会用刺蛰他们,虽然被蛰一下但是非常非常疼。而且他们需要抓蜜蜂的时候远离蜂群。



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  • 姓名:丁婷婷




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