Task 1
Describe a job, career or profession which you wish to pursue. Explain why this job is your ideal job. Include reasons and details to support your response.
Task 3
【个人倡议】:health center 的问题,文章说病人看病通常等很久,而且即使等上了,也是一下就检查完了,因为医生已经overworked了,所以提出两条建议:1、增加医生 2、要求医生周末也上班。
【学生态度】:男的反对说:health center太小了,增加医生会使space显得更小,不方便,另外,周末在学校的学生本来就不多,大家都回家去happy,而且也不一定会生病,没必要要求医生上班。
Task 4
【名词解释】一个ecosystem中,prey和predator之间的population 是相互影响的。
【教授举例】以wolves和mice数量之间互相影响为例,根据相对population size分三个phases循环:
1 Prey(mice)多,predator(wolf)食物充足,(wolf)population增加。
2 Prey(mice)少了,predator(wolf)食物减少了,(wolf)population减少
3 Population 平衡了。
【学生困难】男生今晚得去visit museum找资料完成art class论文(明天museum将被closed),但他晚上又要上课。
【解决方案】女生建议:1 miss the class tonight, 去museum. 回头借同学笔记抄 2 to talk with professor of art to postpone the due date, 男生说教授会生气。 描述男生遇到的困难,女生给的两个建议,你的建议及理由。
Task 6
【讲课要点】Reinforcement is a method to change one’s behavior. Reinforcement分positive reinforcement和negative reinforcement两种。教授举例:You must get up early to go work. 不喜欢早起,为让自己早起,有两种办法:Positive: add sth. Make you happy. 要么给giving 自己positive reward, you can reward yourself by delicious breakfast. 就可让自己早起。 Negative: remove sth that make you unhappy. 要么remove negative things, change the shower time, which you feel uncomfortable, to evening. 这样人也就不会那么讨厌早起了。
Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people today are more informed about the world events than their parents when they were young. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Task 1
What do you think is ONE of the most important characteristics that a good teacher should have? Include specific reasons and details in your explanation.
Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? While choosing friends, people should always choose those who have different interests from their own. Include specific reasons and examples in your explanation.
Task 6
【讲课要点】Marine animals protect themselves by producing lights. There were 2 ways: 方式一、sudden flash bright light: 举例:When they are under attack, deep-sea shrimps will give a short period bright light to frighten the attackers, and deep-sea sea shrimps can escape. 方式二、constant flash bright light; 举例: Since their predators always hunt animals by judging dark shades, hatchet fish give constant light to make themselves seem like sunshine. By doing this, their predators can hardly find them.
Task 1
Describe a special gift you gave to some else. Explain why it is a special gift? Include details to support your explanation.
Task 2
When you earn a little extra money, is it better to spend your money or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Task 3
【学校通知】为了节能大学计划:1 关掉图书馆的灯,代之以节就灯。 2 调高空调air-condition的温度。
【学生态度】女生反对此计划。理由 1 学校应该把学校里的很多空教室的灯关掉来达到节能的目的。节能灯太暗,学生还得自己带台灯。理由2 如果关掉空调,in hot day,图书馆就不够comfortable, 就没人去图书馆学习了,大家只能在宿舍复习了,但是宿舍又太吵,所以很难专心复习。
Task 1
Which technology has made the greatest impact on people’s life in your contry? Airplane, computer or television, use specific reasons and examples to support your response.
Task 2
Some people believe that it is better for children to grow up in big cities. Others believe that it is better for children to grow up in small towns or rural areas. What is your opinion and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.
Task 3
【学校通知】the university is considering moving the student theater center from campus to the nearby downtown. 好处 1. Downtown theater has a larger space, and it can contain more audiences. 好处2 the new theater will have better technical facilities, so that students can get better light and sound while they are appreciating performances.
【学生态度】男生反对此计划。理由1. Audiences in the downtown theater are mainly students. It is quite inconvenient for them to drive for 20 min to get there to see performances, so few of them would like to go to the new theater. 理由2 the facilities in school theater are quite basic and easy to operate. However, students are not professional and well-trained, and the facilities in downtown theater will be too complex for students to operate. So, students might end up with worse lights and sounds than what they have now. So, better facilities are not necessary.
Task 4
【名词解释】Human behavior consists of a serial of simple behavior.有一种教育方法叫behavior chaining(行为链锁),有时候教小孩子一件事,把complex activity 分解开来一步一步教,他们更容易理解掌握。
【教授举例】一个教授教他三岁的女儿如何洗手。洗手过程行为分解为五个步骤。1.打开水龙头turn on the water 2. Wet the hands; 3 put some soap; 4. Rinse hands; 5 turn off the water. 教授先一步一步地教女儿分解动作,直到她熟悉一个动作后,再教她下一个动作。最后把所有动作连接起来,他女儿就学会如何洗手了。
Task 5
【学生困难】男生明天要去参加一个job interview,可是他把西装suit落在他父母家了。
【解决方案】男生自己对自己说出两个方案; 方案1 借室友的西装。男生说roommate的西装不合身,有点儿big, looks sluggish. 如果穿roommate的西装去参加面试,可能会给招聘官留一个不好的impression. 方案2 去商店买一套新的,男生说挺贵的,他想攒钱买辆自行车,如果买衣服就没钱买车了。
Task 6
【讲课要点】2 stages of children’s social development in playing: Stage 1: associative play: if some three to four years old children play together with same material, they think and behavior in different ways, for example, while some 3-4 years children are playing blocks together, little Johnny may use blocks to build a car and little Mary may use blocks to build an airplane. Stage 2: Cooperative play: if some four to six years old children play together with the same material, they may create a house together. They may discuss about how it should look like, how many rooms it should have and how the roof should look like.
Task 1
What benefits will you have if you attend a university or college in a foreign country? Include reasons and details to support your response.
Task 5
【学生困难】男生所在的psychology study group 里有个规矩:每次轮着去一个组员的apartment 里have dinner后学习,去谁家谁就要cook.. It’s his turn 今天,男生说他studies in the library all the afternoon. 忘记今晚要给学习小组做饭了,他担心来不及回家cook了。
【解决方案】男生自己说出两个方案:方案1、去附近的restaurant buy外卖带回家,餐馆里东西也很好吃,男生不愿意去参观买,因为给6个人买外卖too expensive。而且他其实已经买好做饭的材料了,就是没时间做而已。方案2、打电话给group members,让他们晚一点来他的apartment,留出时间他做饭,但这样可能比较晚,大家会饿着,且可能没时间做讨论了。
Task 6
【讲课要点】为逃避天敌survive,昆虫采取两种mimicry: 第一种,伪装成predator的predator,来吓跑predator.举例:有种fly伪装成某种能sting 的bee, 尽管它没刺,但看上去比以前bigger了,它的捕食者think it is dangerous,就不去惹他,第二种,伪装成predator本身的样子,look unattractive to predators, predator以为它是自己人,就不攻击他了。举例:有种moth伪装成jumping spider,身体color与jumping spider的相同,真spider以为它是friend,就不找他了。
Task 1
Describe the steps, through which you once learned a new thing and explain how you learned it. Please include details and examples in your response.
Task 3
【学生倡议】一个学生写信建议图书馆限制一次性借书数量最多借十本limit the number of books borrowed from library, 理由1 大多数学生一次错太多书看不过来,理由2 许多人借的时间太长,不按时还甚至看书,影响他人借书,这样可以减少图书馆每年丢书的数目。
【学生态度】女生反对,理由1,不应受限,she has 4.5门课many lessons and have to research, she uses lots of books when writing research paper,一次就需要查20本书, so she needs many books at a time. 所以还是把书接回家写好。理由2 图书馆这样做明显是不信任学生,她从不会不按时还,不会把书弄丢,never lost or misplace any books, she thinks school must trust its students coz they are adults. They can take good care of the book they borrowed.
Task 6
【讲课要点】女教授讲古人类early human为了保暖,为了吓跑动物,要使火不灭to keep the fire burning的方法有两种手段two ways; 手段1,technological knowledge, 当闪电击中树木着火之后,古人类发现围在火边很暖和,但没过多久,木头烧完后火就灭了fire die out.当他们偶然发现木头wood其实是一种fuel让火一直燃烧,要keep fire burning, 就要往火里不停加木头add wood. 手段2 social skills, 如果大家同时睡觉的话,火就会灭掉,大家轮流看守火种,(一些人去sleep了,另一些人就照看着火)加木头take turns to look after the fire to keep it burning all the time. Cooperate, cooperation.
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