Task 1 :
Some schools require students to finish forty hours of community service each year. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of doing this.
Well, I think doing community service can help students gain a strong sense of belonging to the community and get a sense of achievement. I would like to talk about my personal experience, last year, I taught math in a poverty stricken area for a month, the experience makes me appreciate life more and not take things for granted. Also, I feel like I am needed by the community and I have something to offer back to society, that gives my life a sense of purpose. However, requiring students to do 40 hours of community service might throw them off their busy school schedule. They might have less time working their schoolwork, like presentations, group projects, and preparing for exams and stuff like that.
Task 2:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: people should be forced to retire after the age of 65.
Personally, I totally agree with this. To begin with, typically by the age of 65, people have worked for like more than 40 years, and that is a pretty long time, we spend more than 40 years dedicated to different professions; and people deserve the chance to enjoy their retirement at 65 years old. Additionally, generally, lots of positions require professionals to be extremely healthy and active in order to fulfill their tasks, our health gets worse with the passing time, lots of seniors around 60 years old suffer from cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure and stuff; so people at around 65 years old are not as productive, thus they should be forced to retire.
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