【一诺解析】2015年11月28、29日托福综合口语预测机经(二) 考试必考

时间:2015-11-26 12:06:12  / 编辑:fairy

  1.teach the man 8.am tomorrow, however it cut down the time(但是她觉得时间太赶了)

  2.do not go to see the play, but she has made the plan with her friends, the ticket is not expensive






  【学生困难】: The man wants to hold a party before the final exams to make students get away from books and relieve stress, but the invited band will not available now because lead singer of the band is sick. 【解决方案】: To cope with this problem, the man faces two possible solutions. First, CDs can be played in the party instead of the live performance by the band. Second, the party can be postponed before the final exam.



  蚂蚁通过某些strategy来提高forage food效率。1.每次出发都方向不同,比如Amy Ant,第一次从north出发,下次换East 2.大家一起搬运而不是将食物切成小块分次搬运来节约蚂蚁力,比如一片水果,一起搬只要10个ants,分片搬要50个ants


  Marketing广告既要有语言又要有图像来吸引顾客。举例:旅游公司推广seaside既要给出好看的图片(colorful and striking景色,beach and skies), 又要用文字描述哪里好。


  plant 是怎么保护自己不被吃的 1) physical adaptation 例子是一种grass的叶子上有一些很sharp的东西, 用手摸就会cut your finger, 所以动物在chew 的时候会uncomfortable 以后就不吃了 1) appearance appearance 例子是一种植物,蝴蝶在上面lay eggs, 之后会吃了它。但是蝴蝶不会去那些看起来occupied 的叶子上lay egg, 所以他就自己伪装成上面有butterfly egg like appearance


  关于鸟类如何自我调节准备移民The lecture talks about how birds make self-adjustment to prepare for migration.

  1)First, some birds may experience physical change. For example, to prepare for long distance flight, migrating birds have to store sufficient amount of energy to sustain their flight and to reduce the times they have to stop over for rest. So they would eat a lot more than they usually do to reserve energy in the form of body fat.

  2)The second adaptation is behavioral change. During migration journeys, some birds that usually live on their own begin to act more socially. They form into a group with other birds so they can protect better themselves as a whole from predators."


  主题是hatching communication

  第一个例子是鸭子。鸭子在破壳之前会互相send signal用以保证同时破壳。因为后破壳的可能被母亲遗忘而难以生存。



  关于动物躲避天敌时的两种睡觉方法The lecture talks about two ways that animals avoid predators when they sleep. The first way is sleeping in a place where they will wake up when predators approach. For example, a type of animal sleeps on trees. Another way is sleeping with one eye open to warn predators


  鸟类长距离迁徙前的准备 physiological 吃很多,囤积脂肪,满足长距离迁徙的需求,中途休息就可以少一些 behavior solitary变得social,在一起飞,增加protection from predator



  1 通过释放化学物质避免虫害。举例为red wood,树叶和树干中含有天宁酸,所以虫子不能忍受这种物质,所以不会去吃red wood.

  2 发达的根系可以帮助在风暴中幸存下来。举例仍为red wood. 说首先有发达的根系stretch every direction, 以及还可以与周围的树木的根系相组合。互相缠绕在暴风中就不会有问题。


  两种影响大多数发生在个体的行为受群体思维的改变。Two types of majority influence happen when an individual’s behavior is affected and altered by group thoughts. Type 1: Information influence where people want to get right answers immediately. For example, you are driving a bunch of friend to a restaurant and you are not sure which way to go. The rest of the people in the car think that you should go straight while you want to make a left or right turn. Because the majority wants you to go straight, you will change your original idea. Type 2: normative influence where people want to be accepted by the group or try to fit in. For instance, you are going to a movie with some people that you want to be friends with. After the movie, although you think the movie is awful, the rest of the people think the movie is great, you will also agree with them. Because you want to fit in, to get along


  Advocacy and direct service are two ways non-profit organizations make a contribution to the society.倡导和直接服务两方面的非营利组织对社会做出的贡献。

  Example 1: Advocacy means the organizations convince and motivate people to contribute, like they put an ad on newspapers and TV to call on people to help build the playground

  Example 2: Direct service means the organizations contribute directly, for example they collect money and design all by themselves instead of asking for help from others


  动物消化草有两种方法,一种是mechanical way,例子是兔子的牙齿帮助它们把草嚼碎,然后利于消化;一种是chemical way,例子是牛的胃很大,然后胃液可以帮助消化。


  蛋孵出之前的交流: (1)宝宝之间的交流:(鸭子)保证每个蛋同时孵化,所以每个宝宝不会被妈妈left over ,生存的几率大 (2)baby 与妈妈之间的交流:(鳄鱼)保证妈妈把蛋上方的泥土剥掉,使得宝宝容易生存。




  讲如何推断出ancient climates。教授说可以研究化石,因为气候会对形成化石的微生物产生影响。举例,某种有硬壳的shellfish,壳里的镁含量和sea water temperature有关,温度高的时候镁的含量就高。所以就可以通过对比这种矿物质在化石和现在那个地方的shellfish壳里的含量,然后就知道气候变暖了还是变冷了。


  鸟有两种类型的羽毛可以帮助它捕食The professor introduces that a bird has two types of feather which can help it prey on the surface of the cold water.

  The first type of weather is water proof.

  The second type of weather is underneath the first type of weather.It can avoid the heat lost.


  一些鸟类如何在泥泞的地方觅食In the lecture the professor talks about two physical adaptations of wading birds, which allow them to walk through mud near shallow wagers while searching for food. One is their sensitive beaks. The other is special feet with web connecting toes. The professor uses the example of storks to show how these two features help wading birds acquire food in muddy places. First, the beaks of storks are long and have sensors. With these sensors, storks can sweep their beaks mud and quickly sense if an object is a food source or not. This allows them to feed themselves efficiently. Second, wading birds’ feet can prevent themselves from sinking the mud. For example, storks have long and big toes, which spread the bird’s weight over the surface. These toes can help the birds keep their balance while they are walking on a muddy surface.

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  • 姓名:靳博乔


中学时代即留学于新加坡理工学院,后毕业于英国南威尔士大学计算机专业,在新加坡居住及工作多年,曾担任新加坡管理发展学院(MDIS)、新加坡亚太管理学院(Kaplan Singapore)、新加坡管理大学(SIM)等教育机构的招生顾问。客观地为同学们留学海外提供帮助。在新加坡任职期间,帮助许多国际学生(包括中国学生)成功留学新加坡,澳大利亚,新西兰,英国和美国。



GPA: 3.5, IBT: 90, GRE: 1360


Liu 同学(四川大学计算机专业)

GPA: 3.4, IBT: 102, GRE: 1280


Cao 同学(武汉大学法学专业)

GPA: 3.7, IBT: 105, GRE: 1370


Yuan 同学(天津师范大学)

GPA:3.6, IELTS: 6.5, GMAT: 660



GPA:3.3, IELTS: 6.5, GMAT: 650



GPA:3.4, IELTS: 7, GRE: 1280






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