【一诺解析】2015年11月28、29日托福综合口语预测机经(二) 考试必考

时间:2015-11-26 12:06:12  / 编辑:fairy

  So stu must know the differences before hand.

  2、can let people socialize.He has a major in music.He always

  s hangs up with those stu with same major in the dorms.They are have the same interests and same way of thinking,and seeing thing.So that he thinks it would be interesting to meet other people with other ways of thinking and majors.


  【学生困难】:男生住得离学校很远,车坏了,而且没钱修。 【解决方案】: 方案1:向他的brother借钱修车,但需要很快就还,要找一份part-time job; 方案2:不修了,坐公交车上学,但需要换乘好多次,影响原定的时间表。


  女学生在drama club 要表演一个剧,但她觉的善于表演的也就是skillful的演员太少了,所以很纠结 她有两个建议,第一,重新招募人员,看看学校里有没有善于表演的人报名参加 第二,换一个剧表演,这个剧里可以主角少一点的



  1)找个专业的家教professional tutor。但男生说找professional tutor贵,他必须打更多的工才能把辅导费挣出来。2)请室友roommate(是一物理专业学生)给他辅导。男生说虽然很便宜,但他室友非常忙(好象参加了个basketball team而且室友是一个double major(同时主修两个专业的学生))。等每天室友忙完自己的工作是已经是深夜了


  "【学生困难】:男生说他是一个club的manager。今晚在town hall要举办一个音乐会concert。他得把一堆器材equipment从student center 搬运move到town hall。他的朋友原本答应他用车帮他搬。但朋友突然打电话告诉他说卡车truck坏在路上了。

  【解决方案】:男生自己说有两个解决方案:方案1、让volunteers来帮忙搬器材。不过不是他们原先说好的职责,虽然只有几个blocks,但是怕累着他们。方案2、去学校rent a van,这样volunteer只需搬上车,不过租van的租金很贵,而且他还不知道能不能报销。 "




  Problem (woman's): There are only one hour left before the quiz, but because the woman absent for the last class, she does not know the test. And there're a lot of notes in the last class.

  Solutions(by the man):

  (1)She can review the notes that the man took, but the woman says that she have to help another friend to review the Chemistry course. She cannot break her promise.

  (2)To talk about it to the professor and ask the professor to excuse for not having the quiz, but the woman also said that the professor will probably not allow because it is the only quiz for this course.



  解决方法1:告诉父母cancel party,父母应该能理解;2.把paper带回家写,那觉得没效率


  女人太忙于学习,因此考虑要不要在健身房做兼职工作。Problem: The woman is too busy with her study and part-time job to work out at the gym.

  Solution 1: She can bike to school instead of taking the bus, but it takes a long time and it’s hot outside.

  Solution 2: She can get up early to go to the gym and take a shower afterwards, but she doesn’t want to get up that early.


  男人有他打算和他的朋友露营的一个问题,但他在重感冒,他担心的是他是否能在山上忍受寒冷的条件。The man has a problem he planned to go camping with his friend, but he was in a bad cold and he was concerned about whether he could bear the chilly condition on the mountain.


  女人加入探险俱乐部,但他们所要去的地方要关门了。没有退款的车票。Problem: The woman joined an adventure club, but the place they are going to is going to be closed. And there’s no refund for the bus tickets.

  Solution1: They can go to the waterfall, but it’s too far to walk there.

  Solution2: They can go to the natural museum, but a lot of people have been there before. However, the museum change exhibitions once in a while, so they won’t get bored.


  女人把车停在错误的地方,因而她收到了收到了50美元的罚单The woman received a parking ticket of 50 dollars for parking the car in the wrong place,for she didn’t see the “no-parking” sign. There are two possible solutions. One is to go to the downtown hall to explain the fact that the sign is not obvious enough. The other is to ask her friends to chip in to pay the penalty. I would definitely recommend the first solution. I mean, it’s not her friends ’fault to park the car in the wrong place, so they are not supposed to be responsible for the penalty. If I were the woman, I would feel so ashamed and embarrassed to ask them to chip in. It’s not an option for me. However, she can be exempt from the penalty by explaining the fact, which wouldn’t take up too much of her time. I think it is totally worth while because 50 dollars is quite much for a student after all.





  一个女人在另一个国家得到一份暑期工作,所以她要租新房子,她不知道如何处理她现在的公寓。A woman get a summer job in another state, so she has to rent a new apartment, she does not know how to deal with her current apartment.

  Two suggestions, 1) She can rent her current apartment to get money to rent the

  2) She can pay for both of the apartments, but she want to spend the money on buying a new computer next semester. If she pays both, she will not have enough money to buy new computer.


  女孩参加了学校话剧的排练,排练时间。【Problem】The girl attended the rehearsal of a school play, the rehearsal is time-consuming. She is too busy to take many classes and not doing well in study. She does not know what to do. 【Solutions】 1. Drop out of play and focus on study. Con: Her major is theater. Attending rehearsal helps her progress. If she quite, it may make trouble for her professor to find someone to replace her and the professor may be angry with her. 2. Decrease the number of classes, take it next semester. Con: She has taken the course for 3 weeks and

  put in so much work in that class. It is a required course. If she drops the class this semester, she has to take it next semester.


  女人的画被选去参加一个艺术展,但它太大,没有足够的空间的墙壁上,他们不能给她更多的空间,因为它会对其他的学生不公平Problem: The woman's painting was chosen to go to an art exhibition, but it's too large and there's not enough space on the wall, they can't offer her more space either because it will be unfair to the other students

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  • 姓名:胥鹏









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