【一诺解析】2015年11月28、29日托福综合口语机经预测 考试必考

时间:2015-11-26 11:46:43  / 编辑:fairy



  priming:人们早先的经历会影影响他们对事物的interpret 例子:如果一个男生,上车并且打开notebook 然后写东西: 一个女人早上遇到大学同学,就回想起大学生活。所以她认为这个男生是学生并且在work for classes 或work for due paper 一个女人刚刚读完诗歌,所以她认为男生是诗人。


  customer 的反馈research,这样可以改进产品,但是不能直接问产品好不好,得用indirect way.

  in the lecture:说一家公司 设计了一种针对健身的衣服,但销量不好,于是找了一群喜欢exercise regularly 的amateurs 。 researchers 给他们看自己的产品,然后给了他们magazine和剪刀,让他们剪里面的pics。发现他们剪出来的是professional athlete,而不是 ordinary people。所以发现他们认为这样的衣服都是给professional 穿的并不是给像他们这样的amateurs 的。 后来公司更改了广告上面的形象。


  讲了一个 stopover habitat 说是在动物迁徙过程中会有一个地点停下来 这里要有食物 还要有适合的环境 然后听力说了一个例子 叫什么 wilson wipeler【类似这个发音】 说这种小鸟在迁徙过程中会有一个固定的停下来的地点 这个地点有两个好处 第一个有很多食物 insects啥的可以吃 第二个是有水 有stream啥的可以喝 第二个是由很多植物啊 小鸟可以藏在叶子里……可以躲避大鸟 因为大鸟要吃他们 这样小鸟就可以eat insects and relax


  children egocentric thinking,就是小孩都觉得别人看到的跟自己看到的一样。教授用了一个例子,说researcher让一个小男孩站在一个小房子正前方,researcher站在屋子后,然后问小男孩researcher看见了什么,小男孩说researcher看见一个red front door,明显这是小男孩自己看到的。


  contrast effect人们在看一件东西的时候,往往会拿它和另外一个类似的东西比较,而不是基于这个东西本身的价值。 在人评价人的时候,往往会拿一个认识的人和他比较。 lecture:教授举了自己的例子, 自己年轻的时候去找房子,一开始看了很多烂房子small and crap,很受不了。 突然看到了一个还可以的 bigger and seems nicer。 就定下来了。 因为和前面的房子比较。 但是等他搬进去,发现还是太小,他的家具什么的都放不下,而且现在看起来也没有那么nice。 他还是应该更耐心一点去找更多的。


  【名词解释】教授讨论了一个生物学的现象, 当遇到危险时, 动物会发出一种特别的声音里警告同伴, 他的同伴就会逃走, 【讲座例子】 事例: 有一种猴子, 他发现他的敌人——一种老鹰, 他会发出特别是声音来警告同伙, 其他猴子逃走, 不同的声音代表不同的捕猎者。同时, 一种鸟听到猴子的声音, 竟然能识别出危险, 于是逃走


  promotion risk. 听力举的例子是一个software designer因为工作很好,就升职做了supervisor of xxx department,但是这个人很擅长设计软件,但是不擅长管理,不能在deadline之前完成工作,不能motivate其他员工,但是有不能给他降职,会让他很没面子,因而公司要承担给他升职的风险。


  clinal variation: 即使是相同的物种,但是因为生长在不同的环境,他们的特点也会因为为了成功的适应环境而变得不同。 举例:举了南北方的麻雀。 麻雀自己身体的大小可以影响heat control,南方 麻雀长的比北方小,因为他们小的身体可以减少热消耗,这样就可以在hot weather里生存了。北方的麻雀长的大,这样他们可以适应cold weather,成功的生存下来。


  讲的是respending effect,就是人们倾向于选择 energy-efficient appliance,可是由于选了energy-efficient的东西,节省了钱,就有更多的钱买其他的了,最后是消耗了更多的energy。教授用一个家庭的例子说明,有个家庭有个old refrigerator,耗电量大,每个月electricity bill都非常高,因此这个家庭换了一个新的,用电量明显下降,电费也少了,可是它又有钱买别的设备了,比如air-conditioner,到最后,还是用了跟用旧冰箱同样多的电。最后结论很重要:the overall cost升高了。


  阅读:diminishing effects,就是人们会因为某些behavior 有negative effects 而不做,但看到别人做而没有negative results时就也会做 听力:professor讲了自己的经历,他刚college毕业时,在law什么什么工作,a serious job,他穿的formal,从不迟到,从不在workplace吃东西,但是他看到co-worker Jane 开会还吃东西,而且没有get into troubles with the boss, 所以他也开始在会上吃东西。


  阅读:Joint Venture. 讲的是公司合作的问题,两个不同领域的公司,综合业务,形成新业务 听力:教授举例,说一家电视新闻公司(TV news company)想建一个网站,这样顾客就方便看到最新的消息。但是公司没有人才去建网站,不能提供news read online,所以他们决定和一家科技公司(technology group)合作,新闻公司提供资讯,科技公司提供技术运营网站(maintain website)。然后发展的很好,甚至网站可以吸引来广告投资,这个是他们单独存在时谁都办不到的。


  阅读:opportunity cost:the benefits people must give up when choose an option over another one. 听力:一方面学校里没有游泳池(swimming pool),一方面图书馆(library)太小,放不了很多书。图书馆可以提供地方给学生study 和research。但两个只能选一个,最后学校选择造swimming pool,并且效果很好,但它就放弃了建library的好处。这样做的机会成本就是图书馆的书不够用,同学没有足够的空间去学习。


  文章说学生们会缺少能力和信息去完成他们的任务.后面貌似是需要老师的指点。听力里是说 教授带着两组小孩去图书馆让他们找到自己想要的书一个小姑娘想要找一本什么故事书,教授说我不能帮她找,但是我问她这书是什么故事?小女孩说是XX故事,教授说这种故事会有特殊的分类 后来小女孩找到了这本书。




  ____框架定义:消费者对产品的意见是由广告的事实后改变。Term: ____ Framing Definition: Consumer’s opinion about a product is altered after-the-fact by advertisement. (The advertisement could exert positive effect on consumers.) Lecture: Volunteers were asked to taste a gourmet coffee, but the researchers added some salt and vinegar into it so they were certain, the coffee wouldn’t taste good. After that, they showed these volunteers some advertisement of this coffee, in the add people were enjoying the coffee and having a good time. So then when asked how would they describe the coffee, people said it was “delicious” and they “liked it”.


  【讲座主题】人在面对一个problem的时候会有两种选择(1)do nothing;(2)take action 【内容讲解】人们一般会do nothing,因为take action很可能带来negative effects 【1个例子】教授自己几周前开车去赶飞机,一路都挺顺利的,但后来遇见了traffic jam,堵了半个小时,基本一动不动。这时他想到了an alternative road,只不过那条路有点绕远。最终教授还是决定在现在这条路上继续等着,因为他都已经等了很久,如果去另一条路,万一那条路也堵车呢?最后教授迷missed他的flight。




  Halo Error,就是当你见到这个人第一面 这个人向你展示他擅长的一面 你就会觉得他特别好,连他最不擅长的一面都可以忽略了。教授说大学的时候认识一个学霸叫Jame,他碰见什么物理题都会,他擅长数学和物理,教授就想和他住在一个宿舍。住了一年以后 教授觉得他太糟糕了 他的生活方面自理太差 屋子里乱爆了 于是他不再和他住在一起了 这是他产生了疑问,当他第一次见到他时为什么觉得他甚至在自理方面很好,甚至他都没见过Jame是怎么自理生活的。这就是Halo Error Term: Halo Error Definition: people tend to show their best aspect when they first met. This positive will effect people’s judgment Example: the professor met his friend James who knows everything about Math and Science. So the professor asked to share a dorm room with his. But after a year, the professor found out that James is a really messy person. He never cleans up his own mess and professor no longer wanted to live with his anymore. The good impression the professor got from James when they first met clouded the professor’s judgement. It got the professor to think of him as being a perfect roommate which was wrong.




  Problem:The girl has a movie class to go tomorrow,it will be the last class of the semester the teacher will play a movie she wants to write about for her final paper and they have to participate in discussion too,but she's got a doctor appointment scheduled at the same time Solution1:she can rent the movie to watch at home Pro:/ Con: she won't be able to hear the comments of the teacher's Solution2:write about other movies Pro:it could work Con:she's not interested in other movies


  Reading: Definition: Biological mimicry is when scientists get inspired by observing the living habits of animals and plants, and then apply them to human life. Lecture: The professor is talking about a broad and flat plant called lily pad which usually floats above water while the root of it stays underwater, scientists invented solar lily pads based on this plant, it' s a kind of solar device with a broad and flat panel floating on the surface of water with the generator underwater, it can absorb energy from the sun and create electricity.


  最终结果与他们之前的协议不同,从而造成冲突的例子Definition: Scope creek means the request a client makes later on is different with the agreement they had before, and thus cause a conflict Example: The professor’s friend has a construction company, one of the clients wants a wooden fence done and they only had an oral agreement, later on the client mentioned that he wanted the wooden fence painted white when the work was almost done, that was something they didn’t agree on at the beginning, so there was a conflict, even though the professor’s friend agreed to paint the fence white, it was an unpleasant experience 。






  阻抗意味着更多的人被限制的概念,他们更想恢复他们的自由Definition: Concept of reactance means that the more people are restricted, the more they want to restore their freedom

  Example 1: A kid likes to play on a play ground and he goes there a lot, when his parents tell him not to, he will feel even more eager to go there

  Example 2: Soap contains this chemical that can contaminate the environment, and people feel like using it more when they're restricted to do so


  R:trees can not only secrete poisons to fight against insects but also produce airbome chemicals to wam nearby trees L: scientist Rode divided willow trees into two groups ist was infected by caterpillars, 2nd was clean from insects Rodes take back leaves from both groups to feed the caterpillars in the lab ist leaves are poisonous, making the caterpillars sick, this is not surprising; however, 2nd leaves also make the caterpillars sick, indicating that ~ ~ ~ ~ ~树木不仅能分泌毒素对抗昆虫也产生airbome化学品wam附近的树木L:科学家锚地柳树分为两组是由幼虫感染,二是从昆虫清洁锚地收回叶子从两组喂养幼虫在实验室是叶子是有毒的,使幼虫病了,这并不奇怪,然而,2日离开也让毛虫病了,说明~ ~ ~ ~ ~


  动物走动,与其他力量的帮助【Definition】Animals move around with the help of other forces. 【Examples】 Spiders are born in a group, but later they have to move around for food due to competition, but since walking and jumping consume a lot of their energy, and they can't go far, they usually move around with the help of wind.


  虚假信号是当动物发出错误信号,吸引其他的动物Definition: False signaling is when an animal sends out misleading signals to attract other animals

  Listening: Females moths usually release a chemical smell to attract and lead male moths, but spiders can send out a similar signal to deceive and mislead male moths.


  说的是animal coloration,说是动物会具有一种独特的颜色,这种颜色会警告它的捕食者,如果被侵犯,它就会攻击,吃过苦头的攻击者下次见到这种颜色的动物就会避而远之。教授说了一个例子,skunk臭鼬是一种全身黑的动物,只有一缕白毛从头部延伸到尾巴,它被攻击时会竖起毛,尾巴上的腺体喷出十分难闻的气体。比如说一只狼接近它,它就会把这种难闻的液体喷狼一身,由于这种液体十分的恶心难闻,狼就记住了这种动物的颜色特征,下次这只狼再看到全身黑,背上有从头到尾巴的白毛的动物就会远远的避开。

  In the biology class, the professor used the example of skunk to illustrate the concept of Warning coloration. skunk is a small black animals with white distinctive strips. when a wolf want to attack it, the skunk will lift its tail and spray a terrible smelling liquid from its glan over the wolf. with this experience, when the wolf later meet the white striped black skunk again, the wolf will leave the skunk alone.


  学习迁移,你用来学习的东西,将来你会学到的东西是有用的R: The term is the Learning transfer, the things you used to learn is useful for the things you will learn in the future. Learning transfer divides into two types, one is positive transfer and another is negative transfer.

  L: (The professor) Well, today we will talk about the learning transfer. This happens a lot in our daily life. Learning transfer divides into two types, one is positive transfer and another is negative transfer. The positive transfer is the transfer that assist us, for example, when I was a child and learned the piano, I just watch the musical notation and did not see the keyboards while I was playing. And when I learned to play the computer in high school, I can also not have to look down and see the keyboard but type while just watching the screen. So what I used to learn is very helpful for the things I will learn in the future and this kind we call it "the positive transfer". The second type, the negative transfer is the transfer that interfere us, for instance, my friend used to learn stage acting and was asked to speak loudly in order to be heard by audiences, when he turned to be a movie star, he can not change it, and the teacher always asked him to keep his voice down at the first week, it is the negative transfer.

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  • 姓名:张弼




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