
时间:2015-11-24 14:38:06  / 编辑:Abby


  1、 隐藏绝对词类

  Some people spend a lot of time watching sportsprograms on TV or following their favorite sports teams. Does this have anegative influence on the lives of these people?

  2、 隐藏绝对词

  When a new technological devices become available.Some people buy it right away, while others will wait until many have acquiredit. Which view do you agree with and explain why.


  Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement: People who cannot accept the criticism from others will not besuccessful at working in a group.

  4、 最高级

  Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? The best way to reduce air pollution is for the government to raisethe cost of fuel (petrol).


  Which is more important, success in life or theability to remain happy and optimistic when one's facing difficulty?

  6、 隐藏绝对词

  Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement: People should have hobbies and do physical activities that are very differentfrom their own work.


  Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? Young people should take several different kinds of jobs beforethey decide which career to take in the long term.


  Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement: The most important investment of a company is to improve the skillsof its employees. (Work & Money)

  9、 隐藏绝对词类

  Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? Although science and technology will continue to improve, the mostsignificant improvement for the quality of people' s lives have already takenplace.


  he effective leader tries to make others feel theyhave been part of a decision.

  11、 隐藏绝对词

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Making sure that people such as the manager or your supervisor know yourstrengths and accomplishments can help you succeed.


  Agree or disagree: Movies and televisions have morenegative effects than positive effects on young people' s behavior.

  13、 隐藏绝对词类

  Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement: Patience is usually not a good strategy. We should take action nowrather than later. (Work)

  14、 比较类

  Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? It is more important to choose friends you can have fun with thanthose who can help you.

  15、 比较类

  Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement: Children should play and study rather than learn how to do householdchores.


  1、腓尼基人没有被派遣到在非洲的帆船Phoenicians had notbeen sent to sail around the Africa:1、船及设备太简陋,跑不了那么远(simple technology);2、埃及统治者对航海没有兴趣, 国王也没有理由去雇佣 sailors;3、这可能就是一个故事,因为当时有了sea monster和magical islands的故事,所以sailor的故事也可能是编造的。 Listening Phoenicians 的确sail过:1、尽管当时的船跟simple, 但是后来有科学家仿造了他们的船,并用这个船到达了非洲;2、 虽然其他埃及统治者不感兴趣,但是N二世和别的帝王不一样,他喜欢water trading,他有可能派人去find new tradingpatterns;3、有很多确定的细节,比如确定的日子,和天气,如果是编的,不可能如此详细。

  2、经济型捕捞的三个好处 Reading:There are three reasons that it isbeneficial.1、To balance the ecosystem.2、To balance the number of fish.3、Lion fishcontains high protein vitamins.

  Listening:These reasons are unconvincing.1、People will easily catch other fish, most of which are also preciousspecies. It also do harm to the ecosystem.2、Once thedemand of the lion fish increases, people would establish fish farm. If thelion fish escape from the farm, ecosystem will be damaged.3、The lion fish contains poisonous matter, which is harmful to people’s health.

  3、翼龙Pterosaurs是否会飞 Reading Three reasons to explain why Pterosaurs cannot fly.1、Pterosaurs are cool-blooded, thus cannot produce enough energy tofly.2、Pterosaurs are too weighty to take off fromground.3、Pterosaurs have a different muscle from thatof birds. Their back leg muscles are too small and weak.

  Listening Explain three reasonsto contradict with reading. 1、Pterosaurs can actually be considered as warm-blooded,since they always have dense coveringhair.2、The bone structure of Pterosaurs is different.It is hollow not solid.3、Pterosaurs are different frombirds in that they stand with four limbs while birds with two limbs. And Pterosaurs are just like batswhich can push off the ground.


  阅读观点:CFLs 不如传统灯泡。理由为

  1 昂贵

  2 有害环境释放mercury

  3 光线对眼睛不好

  听力观点:Disagree 逐点反驳

  1 昂贵是事实,但是CFLs使用时间更长,考虑到长寿命的话,昂贵的因素可以被抵消,实际上应该更加便宜。

  2 释放mercury也是事实。但是传统灯泡释放更多的mercury。因为传统灯泡需要消耗更多的电能,而电能的产生需要燃烧更多的燃料,从而释放更多的mercury到环境中

  3 光线的问题在新型的CFLs已经得到解决。通过采用新型的技术,CFLs可以产生与传统灯泡无差异的光线。


  The disappearance of the asanazitribe is due to the severe drought.

  There was a period of globalwarming and the temperature is so high that people were lack of water.

  2) The tribe did not have anyfacilities like dams and canals to conserve water conserve.

  3) People might fled to avoid thedrought and left many artificials.


  Disagree. Those three theoriescannot hold up this phenomenon.

  1) One kind of tree near theasanazi grew well, it showed that there was enough rainfall.

  2) These facilities had alreadyexisted for 50 years. And they were highly developed by the tribe so it had thecapacity to conserve the large amount of water

  3) Conflicts or wars can also begot this result. For example, they mightfight for the food resources.

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  • 姓名:肖菲









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