
时间:2015-11-24 14:20:32  / 编辑:Abby




  Astudent's letter printed on the newspaper.一个学生的信印在报纸。

  这封信说的大致是:希望canuse laptop computer in the classroom.


  (1)这样take notes可以比较简单快捷,学生可以省下笔记时间pay attentionto the professor's word.



  The mandisagrees with the letter.


  (1)这样学生反而不能pay attention to the professor's word. 问说难道学生真的会用laptop来take notes嘛?大多数学生会分心,用它来e-mail friends 或者chat with friends等等。

  (2)Some students don't have a laptop computer. That part of studentscannot follow along with the class.

  2、一个女生Jessica在校报上写倡议信,建议学校的radio station应该 多放音乐,少播announcements,以 吸引更多学生听。

  【学生态度】:男生反对此倡议。 理由1:有很多commercial radio stations播放music, 有 的电台甚至whole day都play music。想听音乐的学生可 以去听那些电台的节目。学生都有自己喜欢的音乐台,不会因为学校的radio stations多放音乐,就不去听他们爱 听的音乐台的节目了。 理由2:通过收听学校的announcements, 学生们可以随时了解学校的最新信息。

  3、一封 letter 建议把新生的 orientation 从 Fall smester 的开头改到 summer. 女学生不同意这个 意见: a. summer 中有许多学生都在工作,并且许多人住的离学校很远,如果非要改的话,这些 学生可能都不会来参加 orientation 了; b. 文章中说在 Fall semester 开始, 学生要买书搬新的宿 舍等等很麻烦,但是女学生认为这些都 managable,总比不来参加要好; c. 文中说在 orientation 可以看见新的 roomates,但是女学生说即使没有 orientation,想联系的话一样可以,比如要 email address.

  4、listening:Announcement The university decides to add music concerts during thelunchtime.

  Reason 1:Good for music students to have chances toperform

  Reason 2:Provide food during the intersection.

  Listening: The woman agrees

  Reason1: The university usually has only oneconcert at the end of the year ,so that music students are not able to performmany pieces of music .Adding concerts during the lunchtime would provide themopportunities to perform more pieces of music that they practiced.

  Reason2:The music building is far away from otherclass buildings.Students have to squeeze their time to attend to the concert.So it is great that the university provides food for them for theirconvenience.


  1、阅读关于一个心理学上一个有顺序记忆东西的方法L。听力教授讲用这个方法有两步 , 现 标 记 landmark , 比 如 from your dorm to student center. the first thing you see is thefront door, then the tree, then the status in front of library then thebuilding. 再 一 一 对 应 。 比 如 to memorize planet in solar system. make Mercury as front door,Venus as tree etc. 选的东西要vivid,更好记

  2、sociallearning:one way to learn from watching other’s behavior; lecture: 妈妈带孩子去商 店买东西;女孩看到了想买的玩具,妈妈一开始不同意买,女孩哭了,妈妈就给他买了,旁边的男孩看到了,他下次遇到想买的东西也会通过哭来让妈妈买;相反,如果,妈妈不理女 孩的哭闹, 而且还回家后不让女孩看她喜欢的电视来惩罚她, 这样男孩就不会通过哭闹来让妈妈卖东西

  3、competence 的两个阶段consicous和unconscious.用了typing来作为例子说明在conscious阶段 比如刚开始学习typing paper 他必须全神贯注并且在和他谈话时他必须专门停下来因为不能够同时作两件事 所以导致的结果就是他打完一篇文章很慢 但是那个时候的错误也比较少.在unconscious stage 人们通常认为自己已经完全学会了这项技能 所以不再聚精会神,常常一心两用 所以他打字慢慢变快而且常常边打字便和寝室同学对话但是这样做的结果就是他在打字的时候犯的错误也便多了,题目就是让你summerize整个材料大意还有如何用例子来说明观点的。

  4、讲 Individual做事虽然有好处,但有时没有 Group 一起做事好,以动物为例,举了两个例 子:

  1) penguin,他们为了 survive 一起取食,冬天会挤在一起取暖 bunch together Keepwarm;

  2) 另一动物, 大家一起可以更好地 protect, 当遇到野兽猎食的时候会挤在一起躲避 predator,大的在外面,小的在里面.


  1、【学生苦难】男生为summerjob, 租了个房子, 但kitchen unavailable

  【解决方案】1.friend 有kitchen,一起用, 但是会inconvenient. 2. 在school cafeteria 买个plan ,很便宜,但距离远。

  2、女孩的父母来学校参加她的毕业典礼,但她找不到一个地方为他们的生活因为学校周围所有的旅馆都已 预订。The girl's parents are coming toher school to attend her graduation ceremony, but she can't find a place forthem to live because all the hotels around the school are fully booked.

  Two suggestions: 1) The girl could ask her parent to live with her in her schoolapartment. But her apartment is too small.

  2) Thesecond method is to book a hotel for her parents that is about 20 minutes awayfrom the school by car. But if her parents live in the hotel that is quite along way from school, they would probably have to rent a car and the cost wouldbe too high.



  1 告诉朋友自己会迟到(提到的好处有:老朋友可以理解他迟到,这个朋友还可以自己在机场逛逛,吃点东西读书。缺点是朋友大老远跑来看他,不好意思迟到。2 不去参加的演讲。

  4、【学生困难】:女士想要参加一个写作课,因此需要提交一个简短的故事thewoman wants to take writing class and is required to submit a short story sothat the professor can determine if she is qualified to take the class. But thewoman doesn’t have one.

  【解决方案】:1.write one now, but sheshould also study for her exam and probably doesn’thave enough time.

  2. hand ina poem she has written, but she’s afraid that the professor maynot accept it.


  1、蚂蚁通过某些strategy来提高forage food效率。1.每次出发都方向不同,比如Amy Ant,第一次从north出发,下次换East 2.大家一起搬运而不是将食物切成小块分次搬运来节约蚂蚁力,比如一片水果,一起搬只要10个ants,分片搬要50个ants

  2、Marketing广告既要有语言又要有图像来吸引顾客。举例:旅游公司推广seaside既要给出好看的图片(colorful and striking景色,beach and skies), 又要用文字描述哪里好。

  3、plant 是怎么保护自己不被吃的 1) physical adaptation 例子是一种grass的叶子上有一些很sharp的东西, 用手摸就会cutyour finger, 所以动物在chew 的时候会uncomfortable以后就不吃了 1)appearance appearance 例子是一种植物,蝴蝶在上面lay eggs, 之后会吃了它。但是蝴蝶不会去那些看起来occupied 的叶子上lay egg, 所以他就自己伪装成上面有butterfly egg likeappearance

  4、关于鸟类如何自我调节准备移民The lecture talks abouthow birds make self-adjustment to prepare for migration.

  1)First, some birds may experiencephysical change. For example, to prepare for long distance flight, migratingbirds have to store sufficient amount of energy to sustain their flight and toreduce the times they have to stop over for rest. So they would eat a lot morethan they usually do to reserve energy in the form of body fat.

  2)The second adaptation isbehavioral change. During migration journeys, some birds that usually live ontheir own begin to act more socially. They form into a group with other birdsso they can protect better themselves as a whole from predators."

  以上是一诺留学小编给大家总结的托福口语机经,希望可以帮助到本次考托福考试的同学们!如果还有任何关于托福考试的问题,可以拨打一诺留学的免费热线400-003-6508或者010-62680991进行咨询,或者点击一诺留学官方网站http://www.yinuoedu.net/页面的“在线咨询”与一诺留学专家直接对话。微信订阅号:留学圈 (微信帐号:yinuoliuxue )

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  • 姓名:丁婷婷




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