历次考试时间: 2011-4-2NA,2012-5-12CN,2013-6-8CN
题目: Your friend wants to build up a restaurant. Please give some suggestions for the following recommendations. Include specific reasons and details in your explanation. 如果你的一个朋友想开餐馆,你对food和location有什么建议?
历次考试时间: 2010-5-5CN,2010-5-5NA,2010-5-8CN
题目: Describe a project or assignment which is important to you。
历次考试时间: 2010-7-23CN,2010-7-23NA,2011-8-13CN
题目: Your suggestions on how to save out planet since we are facing serious environmental problems.
历次考试时间: 2009-5-30NA,2010-11-21CN
题目: Describe an activity you enjoyed doing together with your family when you were a child. Explain why it was so enjoyable. Explain why it was enjoyable to do this activity with your family. Please include reasons and details in your response.
历次考试时间: 2009-8-7NA,2010-11-14CN
题目: Describe an event that happened in the history, and explain why you want to learn more about the event. 描述一件你感兴趣的历史事件
历次考试时间: 2009-9-11NA,2013-9-28CN
题目: Describe a positive change that has happened in your country. Explain how this change has influenced the way people live in your country.
历次考试时间: 2011-12-17NA,2012-9-20CN,2013-3-30CN
题目: Describe one way to improve the system of education in your country. Use specific details and examples to support your opinion.给出你们国家教育的方式解释
历次考试时间: 2011-2-5CN,2011-10-30CN,2013-4-20CN
题目: What suggestions would you give to a friend who is starting a new job. Give
examples and details in your response.
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