
时间:2015-11-04 16:06:21  / 编辑:danyang



  1、 比较类

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Your job has more effect on your happiness than your living environment.


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The most important investment of a company is to improve the skills of its employees. (Work & Money)

  3、 三选一

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Patience is usually not a good strategy. We should take action now rather than later. (Work)

  4、 隐藏绝对词

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should allow children to make mistakes and let them learn from their own mistakes. (Education&Family)

  5、 今昔对比

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Newspapers and magazines are the best ways to learn about a foreign country.

  6、 比较类

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People benefit more from traveling in their own country than in a foreign country.

  7、 比较级

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Young people today are less dependent on their parents than young people in the past.(Young vs. Old)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Making sure that people such as the manager or your supervisor know your strengths and accomplishments can help you succeed.

  9、 隐藏绝对词类

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Working at home using computers or telephones is better than working in the office.

  10、 隐藏绝对词

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Two people can still be good friends when one of them has much more money than the other?


  1、讨论是否limit the fish harvest of the fishing companies.限制渔业公司捕鱼

  Reading:There are three reasons that government should limit the fish harvest.1、Government should reduce the number of stripe bass, for they prey on menhaden.2、Menhaden is the main source of protein. If the number of menhaden decreases, it has negative influences on livestock and poultry.3、It also reduces the job opportunities, which results in economic problem.

  Listening:These reasons are unconvincing.1、Reducing the number of Bass breaks the balance of ecosystem.2、Soybeans could provide protein, and they are more economical.3、It is true that people may lose jobs and economy will suffer; however, it will recover soon. If measures are not taken, the whole region will be doom to collapse.


  1. low price will benefit consumers; 2. prevent world hunger; 3.job security.

  听力反驳1. subsidy来自taxes,taxes来自consumers;2. in long term, low-price food in rich country会hurt the agriculture of poor countries; 3. subsidy is just for certain types of crops like corns,得不到补贴的小农场会go out of business。

  3、阅读提到人们普遍认为海洋的动物比如dolphin等都很聪明,但是manatee是个例外,理由如下: 一:海牛的大脑皮层很平滑,不像灵长类动物如猴子,以及同科海豚等的大脑有褶皱。 二:海牛的大脑在整个身体中所占的比例比其他认定聪明的动物小。 三:海牛很难训练成海豚那样,能做出各种聪明的动作。 听力持反对意见,理由如下: 一: 没有什么材料表明动物大脑皮层的褶皱同其聪明程度有关。海牛的大脑皮层虽然平滑,但也有复杂的结构。 二: 海牛的身体大,是因为它生存在冰冷的海水中。庞大的身躯能帮助它保持热量。海豚和猴子则没有这种需要。 三: 海牛由于自身的条件,很难像海豚那样做轻巧的动作,例如顶皮球,但是它们一样能根据训练者的声音指令做出动作。海牛是可以训练的。

  4、是hanging gargen存在与否。阅读,存在,希腊历史学家有记,考古学家发现遗址,大帝经常建复杂建筑。听力,反对,希腊记载的不一定是HG,考古把水引入房顶是技术挑战,大帝建复杂建筑但是引水为河不符合实际,因为缺水?




  3.对动物好,有个fish ladder的装置可以保护鱼类。



  3.虽然fish ladder保护了一部分鱼,但是另一部分鱼不能保护啊!举了salmon可以保护,但是英国的一个叫Shade(听音)的鱼就不能保护啦。

  6、1.文章提到3个减小coal burning的污染1.提高反应效率,加压或者升温。所以在long run上来看可以减少污染。但是听力反驳说人口增长都有30%,你提高碳的燃烧率才10%

  2.用水冲洗煤炭,除掉硫化物就不用有二氧化硫污染环境. 但听力反驳说这只是把硫化物转移到水系统,会污染河流和湖泊



  • 姓名:张逸岚









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