
时间:2015-10-29 14:39:08  / 编辑:danyang



  1、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should allow children to make mistakes and let them learn from their own mistakes.

  2、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The competition between friends always has a negative effect on their relationship.

  3、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Students are more interested in politics than before.

  4、Which is more important in one's career life?The working knowledge and skills or the ability to adapt to new condition?

  5、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is much easier for people to achieve success without help from family members now than in the past.

  6、To make children do well in school, parents should limit the hours their children spend on watching TV or movies.

  7、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The most important problems in todays world will be solved in our lifetime.

  8、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government and corporation should share all their scientific discoveries with other countries in the world?

  9、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to increase students interest in a subject is to teach them the significance of the subject outside of school.

  10、Some people think university professors should spend more time doing research while others think they should spend more time educating students. What is your view?


  1、Everglades are faced with severe environmental problems 。1:invasive plants 2: decrease of the amount of water 3: mercury which do harm to all the species

  听力:这些都是可以解决的啦。workable solutions :

  1 : 这是因为以前采用的fertilizer add too much nutrition to the soil which help the growth of the invasive plants 只要 restrict 就行了

  2: 这是因为 以前 dig out channels to drain water away, 只要 remove the channels就行了

  3:这是因为 burn of coal 只要用新的power plant which contain low amount of mercury就可以了

  2、阅读材料讲wetland 里面鬼火 will-o'-the-wisp 的原因,三个:1)埋在里面的有机体释放出可燃的气体;2)是一种electric spark;3)一种能发光的蘑菇附着在鸟身上.

  听力反驳:1)可燃气体是不动的,但是人们看见的鬼火是move around;2)electric spark是在wetland下面的rock中生成的,不会跑到上面来;3)这种蘑菇的发光物质在体内,要broken into pieces 才有用,但是这种物质不sticky,所以会从鸟身上掉下来.

  3、洞穴绘画的目的the purpose of the cave paintings (R: to ensure successful hunting) 1. R:there are large animals that painting creaters hunt for. L: there are small animals like cats, and the raindeer which is their main animal of hunt isn't painted at all. 2. R: humans have animal heads. L: humans aren't standing up and some of them are sleeping. We don't know the purpose for sure. 3.R: cave paintings have magic power. L: actually the magical power their ancestors belive in is that they can communicate with the animals living around.

  4、是新西兰最早移民的时间。9月2号综合写作,阅读说了三个证明最早在新西兰定居的是在1300c.e. 1 毛利人,被认为是到目前为止已知最早定居新西兰的人,从他们时代相传的故事可知。 2 森林被草场代替,是因为人类焚烧森林,用来建造房屋或种地。 3 carbon dating发现些什么。

  5、translocate reptiles 文章讲了三个不好 第一个是不好breeding 第二个是不能stay settled 第三个是hard release stress很大 听力说第一个可以解决呀 因为很多reptile 都有inborn reation然后他们的行为是有基因决定的 有个例子 说把野生和非野生的蜥蜴都放出来 然后弄predator来 然后他们反应是一样的!就是跑„„ 所以说你看这不是问题啊! 第二说这个可以minimize 因为homing effect是逐渐发展的 成年的时候最厉害 所以如果放young animals 他们的homing weaker 这个问题就可以解决的 第三个说没关系我们可以soft release 给他们整个小保护区啥的保护他们不受predator prey 然后是不是给点食儿 帮助他们存活下来

  6、在已发现的大理石半身像是discoveried marble bust in Rounce River, 一些人认为是the oldest known sculpture of (Juli-- Caesar忘记拼写了)然后分论点

  7、关于英国的pearl poet的作者是谁的三种可能性的猜测与反驳。 阅读文章要点:三个可能性 1. 是John Massey, 因为从流传下来的作品来看,它们的handwriting是一样的; 2. 可能是Hugh, 因为PP中的一首诗与Hugh的一首用的修辞是类似的; 3. 作者根本就不是一个人,而是一个Collection, 是由一群人完成的。 听力逐一反驳: 1. 过去的作品都是靠copy传播的,原版被reproduce很多次。所以人们看到的可能只是同一个人手抄copy original的书,不能表明作者相同; 2. 因为诗使用的dialect不同。这俩个人处于不同的地方,会有不同口音dialect, 所以那种修辞在不同口音的情况下是不同的; 3. 所用的vocabulary都是一样的,而且一些uncommon的单词都重复了好多次,频率这么高,不可能是不同的人写的。





  9、阅读文章要点:the Cochans修roads的原因 1. 用来运送人和物品; 2. 宗教原因,提到现在美国西南部有一些人用同样的办法祭祀; 3. 防御用,抵御外敌入侵。 听力逐一反驳: 1. 修建的路没有连接settlements, 而且那时没有wagons和carts, 运货靠步行,没必要建这么宽的路; 2. 虽然现在有宗教,但那时候可能没有,没有文字记录能证明the Cochans和美国西南部的人是有关联的; 3. 这些路不可能随时有人看守,也没有发现什么类似防御物的遗迹,敌方也可能把路据为己用,没有防御用途。

  10、关于政府the government是否应该own Amtrak(Amtrak是美国的铁路公司,为政府所有)。reading认为公交系统应该取消或由私人公司承包。


  阅读材料证据:赚不到钱(不能make profit),反而赔钱lose money。有些车路线很偏僻,去remote area。很少有人坐。教授反驳证据:government funding火车不是为了赚钱make profit而是为了给偏僻地区remote and unpopulated的人提供方便provide services。住在remote area的人需要用火车,他们跟住在城市的人一样有权利right享受公共交通。


  阅读材料证据:对私有的Transportation company(比如Airlines)很不公平。因为政府只给火车funding,并没有support those companies。等,以至于他们没法降价,难以和或者争顾客。教授反驳证据:政府对航空公司airline有很多支持funding了,已经给了各种各样的啦。例如paying bills from the air traffic control towers ,training aviators and weather forecasting organizations;


  阅读材料证据:在美国火车不是那么popular /out of date。大部分人选择使用汽车而不是火车,因此政府不应该再funding 或者,而是直接投资高速high way的建设,培训工作人员,播报天气预报。

  教授反驳证据:大家不坐火车不是因为不火车过时popular,而是速度慢,效率低,导致人们使用自己的私人汽车。要是政府再使劲的往train system里砸钱,improve the service。整的跟日本欧洲Japan and Europe似的,方便又便宜more affordable and faster,人们都愿意做火车。结论说政府应该多投入在Amtrak上。

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