
时间:2015-10-21 15:18:50  / 编辑:danyang




  1、What kind of personality do you admire the most? (1)Intelligence (2) Creativity (3)Courage

  2、Your university plans to ban the use of laptop in the classroom. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this decision? Give your opinions with specific reasons.

  3、What suggestions will you give to a friend who wants to make friends in a new city?

  4、Your University is planning to allow students to watch TV in theirs dormitories. What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV in dormitories? Include reasons and examples to support your response.


  1、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. Children can learn better from teachers who are kind and friendly. Please answer the question with specific examples and details.

  2、Some people play games for enjoyment. Some people play games just for winning. What about you? Please give your opinion and explanation.

  3、Agree or disagree that modern people have better lifestyle than people in the past.

  4、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that gifts people make by themselves are more meaningful than those bought in stores. Please use specific reasons and examples to support your response.



  1、哲学系计划提供一个月的早餐会议,邀请教授与学生一起共进早餐Philosophy department plans to provide a monthly breakfast session and invite a professor to talk with students at that time.

  The woman agrees with it.

  First, it’s a great chance to know the professor, which brings convenience to select courses later.

  Second, the food in the cafeteria is limited and it’s good to have a diversified meal because the food is going to be delivered from a restaurant nearby.

  2、学校打算remove the vending machine。因为它总是卖一些垃圾食品,而且学生可以在学校之外(off campus)买(这个细节可能有理解错)。女学生不同意这个plan. 1、学校可以replace junk food。买一些nut什么的健康食品,鼓励学生健康饮食。2、移走vendring machine不方便学生,因为课间时间本来就少,如果要到别的地方买根本来不及。例如同学们晚上下自习肚子饿了,要走到别的地方买零食,但是...10点就关门了。




  1、Reading: behavior contract 学生不听话,老师就跟她签个contract, to control the students’ behavior in class. Listening: 教授举例,他以前班上一个学生Sara,老师说话之前不举手,打断他讲课,并且屡教不改。后来,教授和学生交流,发现学生很喜欢玩computer games。所以教授和学生签订协议,只要一节课不打断他上课,就奖励Sara 10分钟玩电脑游戏。这个方法很有效,导致Sara后来都很少打断教授讲课。

  2、【名词解释】: warning coloration:有些动物 具有醒目的颜色,predator 袭击它后会受到不良后果影 响,因此会在该颜色和不良 后果间自觉建立联系,不袭 击具有该外貌特征的动物。【教授举例】: 美国北部的 skunk 是黑色的,while a white stripe from head to tail. 当 predators such as wolf attack them, they will emit smelly liquid. 以后 predators 再看到这种颜色时就不会袭击了。

  3、【名词解释】: communal nutrients: 群居的动物里有的动物负责整个部落的营养供给,不同时间,对不同的成员供给的营养也不同。【教授举例】: 教授举了ants的例子, ants生活在巢里,工蚁 负责提供营养。adult ants喜欢含糖丰富的食品,因为它们要工作需要能量,因此工蚁给adult ants提供更多像水果那样含糖丰富的养料。但是baby ants需要更多含蛋白多的营养物质,因为它们要长身体,因此工蚁给它们提供树叶,蘑菇一类的食物。


  1、男孩想明天晚上有一个新的电影课,但是他的表妹参观他的大学决定在那里学习。【Problem】The boy wants to have a new film class tomorrow night, but his cousin will visit his university to decide whether study there .He will have dinner with his counsin.

  【Solutions】 Option 1: The girl helps introduce campus life and have dinner with his cousin. Pro: The girl usually goes to the dining hall to have a dinner and her friends all very nice. Con: The cousin is a shy boy. Option 2: visit the university and have dinner and have the film class later. Pro: The introduction of the class is not important. Con: The boy may skip the introduction of the interesting discussion.

  2、【学生困难】女的有问题,她要参加summer courses but it costs a lot to pay for the tuition and an apartment for next month。【解决方案】第一,去library 打part timejob_ but it takes time.第二是在dorm自己 做饭,比食堂的省钱,尽管她自己不会做很多


  1)找个专业的家教professional tutor。但男生说找professional tutor贵,他必须打更多的工才能把辅导费挣出来。2)请室友roommate(是一物理专业学生)给他辅导。男生说虽然很便宜,但他室友非常忙(好象参加了个basketball team而且室友是一个double major(同时主修两个专业的学生))。等每天室友忙完自己的工作是已经是深夜了.


  1、阅读材料:generation effect广告商想让消费者记住并购买商品的话,会利用generation effect,就是让消费者来命名商品或者提供什么信息。

  listening说了两个实验。一个是把一种soft drink的名字什么的repeat给一个groop的人听,几天后他们都不记得soft drink的名字。第二个实验是,让另一个group的人干嘛,结束前问了大家一个问题,就是SF的叫什么名字。结果下次问他们,都记得SF的名字。

  2、Birds migration at a long distance.鸟类长距离迁徙的原因。

  1) First reason is that birds will eat enough food to store energy. For example, humming bird eat much food to store energy a few weeks before the migration, the food they eat will turn into body fat and its weight can added at least 40%

  2) Second reason is to take advantage of the air flow. For example, hawk can save energy by soaring-flying without flapping wings by thermals.

  3、Advocacy and direct service are two ways non-profit organizations make a contribution to the society.倡导和直接服务两方面的非营利组织对社会做出的贡献。

  Example 1: Advocacy means the organizations convince and motivate people to contribute, like they put an ad on newspapers and TV to call on people to help build the playground

  Example 2: Direct service means the organizations contribute directly, for example they collect money and design all by themselves instead of asking for help from others.

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  • 姓名:丁婷婷




从业以来,帮助多名学生成功拿到Top50的offers,其中包括Cornell, Emory, Tufts, Brandeis, Northeastern等知名院校,善于挖掘学生自身闪光点并为其量身打造最佳留学规划。





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