task 1
1. What personal quality do you admire the most? Creativity, courage or intelligence?
2. Talk about a memorable experience you had in a restaurant or cafe. Explain what happened and why it was memorable. Give specific details in your response.
3. Which of the following activities would you do with friends rather than alone? A. Taking a walk. B. Watching a movie. C. Travelling.
4. A friend of yours wants to change his or he diet habit, what suggestions would you give to this friend?
5. Who do you like to spend time together with the most?
6. Choose one of the following natural environment and explain why you would like to live there most: mountain, forest, desert, prairie, seashore or somewhere else? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
7. What measure can you suggest to help improve the campus environment?
8. Which of the following do you think is the most difficult and challenging for university students? Being far away from families finding time to relax or making new friends.
9. good school 应有的 characteristics or components
10. 问出去旅游最关心哪点,三选一?low cost, good weather, various activities.
11. What is the biggest challenge for university students and why? Please include details and examples in your answers.
12. Your university will sponsor one following activities for students, an outdoor camping night, a music festival for students to experience the local culture or a computer game competition in the dormitory. Which one do you think is the best to establish new friendship and solidarity among students and why? Please include details and examples in your explanation.
13. Imagine that you have to give up watching TV for one month. What would be the most difficult thing for you and why? Please include reasons and examples in your explanation
14. Describe a special gift you give to a friend and explain why it is important. Please include reasons and details to support your response.
15. What is your favorite place outdoors to do exercise on a nice day and why? Please include details and examples in your explanation.
16. If you had the opportunity to travel to the moon, would you choose to go and why? Please use examples and reasons to support your answer.
17. What are the advantages and disadvantages of requiring students to evaluate their professors at the end of the semester? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.
18. Which of the following teaching methods do you consider the most effective, a field trip to local places of interest, tutoring sessions that provide individual help or presentations given by local leaders? Please include reasons and examples to support your choice.
19. A/D: University students should learn how to manage their time more efficiently.或者. Give reasons why managing time is challenging for university students and why it is important. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.
20. Describe an area in your city that you like the most. Explain why you like this area the most.
task 2
1. Some people prefer to listen to music while they are studying or working. Others prefer to stay in a quiet place while they are studying or working. Which way do you prefer?
2. A/D: It is important for a school to have experienced teachers.
3. A/D: Advertising has too much influence on what people buy.
4. A/D: The most important influences that young adults have are from their families.
5. 一个新的产品刚上市你就买还是等一段时间再买,为什么?
6. A/D: Students should study in a quiet environment.
7. If you were to choose a class to study for fun, which one would you choose? An art class or a science class?
8. Some people prefer to read imaginative literature like fictions in their spare time,while others prefer to read real literature or nonfictions, such as historical books and biographies. Which kind of books do you prefer, and why?
9. Some people play games for enjoyment. Others play games in order to win. Which do you prefer and why?
10. Which do you prefer gather information before travel OR do not gather, just experience yourself there.
11. A/D: To be successful, a person should study in the university.
12. Some students prefer to study in a library. Others prefer to study at home or in dormitories. Which way do you prefer and why? Include reasons and details in your response.
13. A/D: Children should start school before the age or 5 or 6? Explain why. Please include details examples in your explanation.
14. Some people prefer to spend their free time with a group of friends. Others prefer to spend their free time with just one person at a time. Which do you prefer? Why?
15. Some people prefer to live in different places throughout their lives. Others prefer to stay and live in one place. Which do you prefer and why? Please include reasons and details in your response.
16. Should your government build a library or a park in your community and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
17. Some people prefer to spend their vacation in the countryside while others prefer large cities. Which do you prefer and why? Please use examples and reasons to support your answer.
18. A/D: Gifts made by people themselves are more meaningful than the gifts bought from store? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.
19. Some people go the gym and work out everyday. Others only go when they have free time. Which do you prefer and why?
1. If you are selecting a leader for a student organization, honesty is the most important to consider in deciding whom to vote for.
2. A/D: The way a person dresses shows a good indication of his or her personality and character.
3. 现在的学生比从前的学生对政治更有兴趣。
4. The best way for a teacher to help students become more interested in a subject is to explain that subject will be useful in their lives outside the school.
5. Some people like to record their life by sharing pictures and other information on social networking sites. Others keep this information to themselves and never share it online. Which do you prefer?
6. Which one influences you most when you make a major purchase:
- Recommendations from your friends or colleagues
-Information from medias(TV、 newspaper、magazine...)
- Salesman in the market
- Decide all by your self without other information
7. A/D: Nowadays it is not important for people to have regularly family meals together.
People often buy products not because they really need but because other people have them.
8. A/D: As modern life becomes more complex, it is essential for young people to have the ability to plan and organize.
9. A/D: People should know about events happening around the world even if they have little influence on their daily lives. Use specific examples to support your answer.
10. Modern agriculture methods damage the environment, but providing food for the growing population around the world is more important than protecting the environment.
11. A/D: Universities should require all their students to learn about foreign cultures as well as their own culture.
12.Which of the following do you think contributes the most to an enjoyable vacation? Good Food, Good Location, Good Friends to travel with?
13. A/D: People will feel happier if they have fewer possessions.
14. The best way to improve quality of education is to increase the teachers’ salaries.
15. Some students prefer to have their final grades determined by numerous small assignments, whereas others prefer to have their final grades determined by only a few large assignments. Which do you prefer and why?
16. If a city has given money to investment, which option would prefer:
build a public garden to provide a quiet environment to benefit all.
2. build a sports field for students in a high school that doesn’t have its own.
17. A/D: All school teachers should be required to take courses every five years to update their knowledge.
18. If your teacher says something incorrect in a class, what will you do?
Interrupt your teacher right away
2. Keep silent
3. Correct your teacher after class.
19. When choosing a place for living, which factor is the most important one for you?
1. Living in an area not expensive.
2. Living close to relatives.
3. Living in an area with many shops and restaurants.
20. A high school has decided that all students must take a class in which they learn a practical skill. School administrators are trying to decide whether to hold a class in cooking, managing personal finances or auto repair. Which do you think the school should require students to take? Why?
21. People should state their honest opinions even though they know others ,will disagree with their views.
22. Some jobs can pay high salaries but require employees to leave their family and friends. Other jobs pay few salaries but allow employees to stay with family and friends. Which job do you prefer and why?
23. A/D: Society benefits more from works of great artist than from political leaders.
24. Children should spend most of their time studying or playing; they shouldn't be required to help the family with household chores.
25. A/D: 尽 管 现 在 很 多 国 家 countries 重 视 环 境 问 题 environmental problems(such as pollution or global warming) 但 是 环 境 情 况 environmental situation 在未来不会有太大改善。或者 The environmental issue is too complex to be handled by the individual.
26. 是否同意政府不应该给艺术家(musician, filmmaker, artist....)任何 financial support.
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