1、考题出现时间: 2010-12-3NA,2012-6-17CN
题目: Do you agree or disagree that parents should help to their children do the school or encourage them to do schoolwork independent
2、考题出现时间: 2011-4-2NA,2012-5-12CN
题目: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to choose a university whose graduates have good job opportunities than a university who has famous professors.
3、考题出现时间: 2011-7-23CN,2011-7-23-NA
题目: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Teachers should give students more group assignments because students work more efficiently in groups.
4、考题出现时间: 2011-9-24CN,2011-9-24NA
题目: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Educating children is a more difficult task now because children spend too much time on cell phones, online games and social networking websites.
5、考题出现时间: 2013-2-23 NA
题目: In order to attract good students,many university spent a lot of money in society activities, do you agree or disagree
6、考题出现时间: 2013-5-17NA
题目: Some people say that students should study many lessons during a semester, but others say that it is better for students to just take three or four lessons. Which do you think is better?
以上是一诺小编带给同学们的托福写作大范围预测,希望能够对同学们有所帮助,如需了解更多出国留学的相关信息,欢迎拨打一诺留学的免费热线400-003-6508或者010-62680991进行咨询,或者点击一诺留学官方网站http://www.yinuoedu.net/页面的“在线咨询”与一诺留学专家直接对话。微信订阅号:留学圈 (微信帐号:yinuoliuxue )
中学时代即留学于新加坡理工学院,后毕业于英国南威尔士大学计算机专业,在新加坡居住及工作多年,曾担任新加坡管理发展学院(MDIS)、新加坡亚太管理学院(Kaplan Singapore)、新加坡管理大学(SIM)等教育机构的招生顾问。客观地为同学们留学海外提供帮助。在新加坡任职期间,帮助许多国际学生(包括中国学生)成功留学新加坡,澳大利亚,新西兰,英国和美国。
GPA: 3.5, IBT: 90, GRE: 1360
Liu 同学(四川大学计算机专业)
GPA: 3.4, IBT: 102, GRE: 1280
Cao 同学(武汉大学法学专业)
GPA: 3.7, IBT: 105, GRE: 1370
Yuan 同学(天津师范大学)
GPA:3.6, IELTS: 6.5, GMAT: 660
GPA:3.3, IELTS: 6.5, GMAT: 650
GPA:3.4, IELTS: 7, GRE: 1280
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