
时间:2015-05-26 16:14:48  / 编辑:Lee





  TPO7 L3中,学生提问,Stu: I know people make utensils out of wood, but utensils out of tree bark? 我知道人们使用木头制作器具,他们使用树皮制作器具吗?

  Pro: Well, birch bark is pliable and very easy to bend. The Native Americans would cut the bark and fold it into any shape they needed, then secure it with cords until it dried. They could fold the bark into many shapes. 桦树皮柔韧性强,易于弯曲。美洲原住民经常切断树皮,并把它们折成需要的形状,然后用绳子固定,直到干燥。他们能把树皮做成各种形状。


  According to the professor, what characteristic of birth bark made it useful to Native Americans?

  Click on 2 answers

  l It repels water

  l It can be eaten

  l It is easy to fold

  l It has a rough texture


  学生和教授继续就桦树皮的作用进行探讨,说到了桦树皮最重要的作用就是制作木舟,那么木舟又对美洲本土人的生活有什么影响?教授提到,Well like I said, the northeastern region is interconnected by rivers and streams and the ocean at the coast. The canoes allow them to travel over a vast area that today would take a few hours to fly over. You see, the Native Americans made canoes of all types, for travel on small streams or on large open ocean waters. For small streams, they made narrow, maneuverable boats, while,larger canoes were needed for the ocean. They could travel throughout the area only occasionally having to portage, to carry the canoe over a land short distance to another nearby stream. And since the canoes were so light, this wasn't a difficult task.木舟使得美洲土著人能够穿越大面积区域,区域大到即使今天坐飞机也得几个小时才能到。教授解释之后,随即提问Now how do you think this affected their lives?现在你们想想这会怎样影响他们的生活?

  学生回答:Well if they could travel so easily over such a large area, they could trade with people from other areas which I guess would lead them to form alliances? 如果他们能够很轻易航行这么广阔的区域,那么就可以和其他区域的人们进行贸易往来,最终形成联盟吧?



  According to the professor, why was the canoe important to some Native American groups?

  Click on 2 answers

  l There was a network of waterways where they lived

  l Snowy winters made land travel too difficult

  l Some Native American groups sold their canoes to other groups

  l Canoe travel helped form relationship between groups of Native Americans


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  • 姓名:孟帆







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